
…There’s no place like home… What makes a house a home? Webster defines a house as “a building that serves as living quarters”. A home as “a person’s place of residence. A permanent address”. As if the notion of home can be reduced to a series of letters and numbers. There must be a combination …

Eurovan Weekender Conversion

I am pretty good at making something out of nothing. I haven’t done it in a while, because Chris is so good at making truly incredible things. And it’s not out of nothing, generally speaking, but out of good, quality materials. So I knew for our recent van campout excursion, I was the one for …

Spring in Nashville

It’s finally, actually spring in Nashville. It was a long time coming, it snowed on the first day of spring, then proceeded to rain during all my time off, until it snowed again in mid April. Now that it has finally been warm and sunny, the garden is bursting and I feel like I have …

Change of Plans – A vacation shaped by politics

October 2013. Our fourth wedding anniversary! We always go somewhere for our anniversary, even if we only have time for a long weekend. We have done Octoberfest in Helen, Georgia. Traveled up and down the Florida Keys. Hit National Parks from the Smokies to the Rockies. It is always a good time and one we …

Garden in September – A lesson in letting go

“I meant to tell you the other day, your garden looks beautiful!” This is what my mom said to me a few weeks ago. I laughed; she didn’t… Oh, she was serious! Let me start by saying, I am slightly obsessed with having a magazine quality garden. The kind that you sip coffee or tea …

Our Favorite Edible Flowers (with recipes!)

I am a firm believer that just because you can eat something, does not necessarily mean that you should… But I am also someone who will try anything twice! So, upon learning that some flowers in our garden were edible we had to give them a try. We started with what we had, and we …

Finding Ourselves in Baxter State Park

We have a long standing joke when we go to Baxter State Park. Why is it every time we come to Maine we find ourselves in the middle of nowhere? Of course it’s less about a physical location and more about a state of mind. Since it’s inception in 1931, Baxter State Park has grown …